

Chrome 突然自动升级,我丢了所有标签和标签组1。同时由于这是我的工作电脑,开着的大概有上百个标签,涉及好几个项目。Chrome 崩溃了,于是我也崩溃了。

查了一圈,Chrome 自动更新的时候有可能会重启两次,一般第一次重启的标签都会自动重新打开,但是重启两次就无力回天了。这个 Bug 出现得非常随机。

于是我带着一丝「说不定还能起死回生」的侥幸心理,想起去找找看是否有人出现过类似问题。Chrome 的内核 Chromium 开源,所以 Bug report 都是公开的——如果有人遇到过类似问题并且解决了,应该是不难找的。


Issue 1173425: OS update ate my tabs

What is the impact to the user, and is there a workaround? If so, what is it?

Utter devastation. Hundreds of tabs across 10+ windows are gone. Significant impact on productivity and unlikely to recommend Chrome OS/Chrome to anyone anymore.


情真意切,字字泣血。细细品味,Ate 精准生动,而 Utter devastation 传达的又是怎样一份心碎。


我进而找到了更多相关的报告,读 Bug Report 还是很有意思的(当且仅当你不负责这一部分)。

Issue 1129163: Open tabs lost upon restart for update

No problem, thinks I, I’ll slap Ctrl-Shift-T to reopen the last tabs from history. What the what? Nothing happens? Okay, I’ll go to the History menu to restore. I see tabs from other devices that also sync from this account, but none from THIS device. Thanks, Google.[1]
[1] Full disclosure: I work for Google and I understand how hard software is. Just a bit of snark this late at night. No offense intended.


其写法一波三折,开头发现标签消失了是为一紧,No problem, thinks I 此为一松,
What the what? Nothing happens? 继而一紧。
Okay, I’ll go to the History menu to restore. 再一松,but none from THIS device 最后尘埃落定。

Issue 1169964: Chrome deleted all my tabs after a reboot and now they’re all gone with no way to get them back

Though this isn’t the first time it erased everything, this one is one of the most prominent considering all the information I lost.
This seems to be a constant issue and I’m wondering why this still hasn’t been fixed yet?


读 Bug Report 学英语

为什么国内还没有人开《读 Bug Report 学英语》这门课程?既能学习日常使用的生动活泼的英语,还能锻炼写作能力——因为在短短的几百字里把问题说清楚是不容易的,同时还展示了用户需求驱动的软件开发流程。2

  1. 1.Chrome 上线不算久的功能,可以把标签页编成一组。
  2. 2.本文脱胎于我的 TG channel:https://t.me/sannsaku/30
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